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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! Oregon Math Standards - 3rd GradeMathScore aligns to the Oregon Math Standards for 3rd Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Number and Operations3.1 Number and Operations: Develop an understanding of fractions and fraction equivalence.3.1.1 Represent common fractions (e.g., halves, thirds, fourths, tenths) as equal parts of a whole, parts of a set, or points or distances on a number line. (Fraction Pictures ) 3.1.2 Recognize and demonstrate that sizes of fractional parts are relative to the size of the whole. (Fraction Pictures ) 3.1.3 Use fractions to represent numbers that are equal to, less than, or greater than one. 3.1.4 Solve problems that involve comparing and ordering fractions by using models, benchmarks (0, ½, 1), or common numerators or denominators. (Basic Fraction Comparison , Fraction Comparison ) 3.1.5 Identify equivalent fractions using models, including the number line. (Basic Fraction Simplification ) 3.1.6 Add common fractions with like denominators. (Basic Fraction Addition ) Number and Operations, Algebra, and Data Analysis3.2 Number and Operations, Algebra, and Data Analysis: Develop understandings of multiplication and division, and strategies for basic multiplication facts and related division facts.3.2.1 Represent and apply the concept of multiplication as repeated addition. (Understanding Multiplication ) 3.2.2 Represent and apply the concept of division as repeated subtraction and forming equal groups. (Understanding Division ) 3.2.3 Apply models of multiplication (e.g., equal-sized groups, arrays, area models, equal 'jumps' on number lines and hundreds charts) and division (e.g., repeated subtraction, partitioning, and sharing) to solve problems. (Understanding Multiplication , Understanding Division ) 3.2.4 Apply increasingly sophisticated strategies based on the number properties (e.g., place value, commutative, associative, distributive, identity, and zero) to solve multiplication and division problems involving basic facts. (Place Value , Beginner Multiplication , Fast Multiplication , Fast Multiplication Reverse , Multiplication Facts Strategies , Fast Division , Arithmetic Word Problems , Basic Word Problems 2 , Associative Property 2 , Commutative Property 2 ) 3.2.5 Apply the inverse relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., 5 x 6 = 30, 30 ÷ 6 = 5) and the relationship between multiples and factors. (Missing Factor , Inverse Equations 2 ) 3.2.6 Represent, analyze and extend number patterns using rules that involve multiplication and/or addition (e.g., {3, 6, 9, 12, …}, {1, 2, 4, 8, …} ). (Patterns: Numbers ) 3.2.7 Analyze frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots; and use them to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. (Tally and Pictographs , Bar Graphs ) Geometry and Measurement3.3 Geometry and Measurement: Describe and analyze properties of two-dimensional shapes, including perimeters.3.3.1 Identify right angles in two-dimensional shapes and determine if angles are greater than or less than a right angle (obtuse and acute). 3.3.2 Identify, describe, compare, analyze, and informally classify triangles by their sides and angles. (Triangle Types ) 3.3.3 Identify, describe, compare, analyze, and classify quadrilaterals (square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, and trapezoid) by their sides and angles. (Quadrilateral Types ) 3.3.4 Identify, describe, and compare pentagons, hexagons, and octagons by the number of sides or angles. (Polygon Names ) 3.3.5 Investigate and describe the results of decomposing, combining, and transforming polygons to make other polygons. 3.3.6 Build, draw, and analyze two-dimensional shapes to understand attributes and properties of two-dimensional space. 3.3.7 Determine an appropriate unit, tool, or strategy to find the perimeter of polygons. (Perimeter ) 3.3.8 Use attributes and properties of two-dimensional shapes to solve problems including applications involving parallel and perpendicular lines, congruence, symmetry, and perimeter. (Perimeter , Parallel and Perpendicular Lines ) Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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